dilluns, 26 de novembre del 2018

Creating like Mondrian in Year 4

During the past months we have been learning about Piet Mondrian and creating art being inspired by him.

We have designed our own product and we would like to share with you all the steps that we have followed:

1)     We draw different ideas until we found an object that we wanted to create.

2)     We draw all the sides and faces of the object and we decided what colours we wanted to use.

3)     We made the object using clay.

4)  We painted our design

5)     We made a description of the object. 

To see all the pictures click here.

We had lots of fun!

dimecres, 21 de novembre del 2018

Corners in year 3

We have started the corners in year 3 and we wanted to show you what we do. It is lots of fun!

1)     Speaking Corner

In this corner we can practise our oral skills with our classmates. We ask questions to each other.

2)     Writing Corner

In this corner we can practise our writing skills. We write about our everyday activities. On Monday I go to....

3)     Listening Corner

In this corner we listen to a story and then we answer some questions. If you want to listen to it again, click here.

4)     Reading Corner

In this corner we can read to different books and then we do a comprehension activity.

Does it look fun?

dimecres, 14 de novembre del 2018

Ajudant a fer panellets

Normalment, els alumnes de tercer ja no fem panellets a l’escola quan arriba la castanyada però, aquest curs, ens han demanat ajuda els nostres companys dels grups G1, G2 i G3 de l’escola de Ca N’Oriol. Ells consideraven que unes “mans expertes” en fer panellets serien necessàries i nosaltres sempre estem disposats a ajudar. Encara més si ens ho demanen companys als quals coneixem de fer Coneixement del Medi, Expressió Corporal, Música, Educació Física o Educació emocional amb ells i elles.
Com que el G1, G2 i G3 són grups molt reduïts, només requerien de l’ajuda de dos nens per tercer per grup. Així que vam fer un sorteig (ja que tots volien anar a ajudar) i van anar tres nens/es de 3rA i tres de 3rB.
Aquí us deixem algunes fotos.

divendres, 9 de novembre del 2018

Halloween Fruit Contest

Last week we celebrated Halloween!

We did lots of activities and it was very fun.
We decorated fruits that we can find in autumn and it was very spooky!
Here are the winners:

They are very scary! Congratulations!