divendres, 8 de març del 2019

Cantata 4t: La sardana se'n va de viatge

Aquí teniu les cançons per a treballar a casa, copieu i pegueu el link en una nova pestanya per a poder escoltar-les.


Recordeu també llegir la història (pàg.2-3-4-5 del dossier) per a poder entendre molt millor totes les cançons!

dilluns, 18 de febrer del 2019

Bee Bots

Today we have been learning the After School activities in a special way. We have used ROBOTS!

We are happy to introduce you to the BEE BOTS

These are some of the structures that we have used:

I play basketball
I go to the swiming pool
I do gymnastics

The Bee Bots are fun! Click here to see all the pictures.

dimarts, 29 de gener del 2019

Doubling in English in year 4

Hello! How are you?

During the past days we have been working as doubling actors and actress.

It has been very fun! We hope you like it.